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Got extra Breeze Blocks? 4 Ways to Help them Find a Happy Home!

Karin Jeske

Petal Breeze Block Project

We require that our customers order 15% more units than are needed to complete their installation (or one extra bundle, whichever is greater) when placing a Tesselle Breeze Block order.  This is to ensure that the installation can be completed even if there are a few pieces broken in shipping or on the jobsite.

The first bit of good news is that most of our deliveries are flawless... but that means that there will be some blocks leftover at the end of the project.

We do suggest is that you set a few blocks aside in your garage, shed or basement.  We frequently receive calls asking for replacements for installations that are often several decades old because of an accident involving a tree or a car, and since breeze blocks need to ship on pallets, and most shipments cost hundreds of dollars, this is an expensive proposition.

But the really good news is that you have a hot commodity on your hands!  Here are 4 suggestions:

  1. Design a small project to tie in with your installation.  See the flower container project above that a San Francisco client built from our Petal Breeze Blocks.
  2. Post the information about the products and your location on the I Brake for Breeze Blocks Facebook Group.  As of this moment, this group has over 13,000 passionate members. You may find that someone is willing to pay full price and drive hundreds of miles to retrieve the beauties that you don't need.  Don't have extra breeze blocks?  Join anyway to see photos from breeze block spotters the world over.
  3. Advertise locally with Craigslist under For Sale > Materials.
  4. Donate to Habitat for Humanity and be sure to get a receipt for the value of the blocks.

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