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Design Inspiration Blog

Floor Trends Magazine Features Tesselle's Ipanema Cement Tiles

Karin Jeske

We are excited that Floor Trends Magazine, a premier industry trade publication, has featured Ipanema 8" Cement Tiles in the 3 colors we offer:  Silva, Campos and Avila.  Thank you Floor Trends!  

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Fareground, Austin, features Tesselle's Oblique and Solid Color Cement Tiles

Karin Jeske

See photos of the cement tile installation at Fareground a beautiful, new, upscale food court in the heart of in Austin, TX, which was designed by The Michael Hsu Office of Architecture, and the floor. using a combination of Tesselle's Oblique and Solid Color cement tiles.

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Restaurant Development and Design Magazine Features Tesselle's Parquet Cement Tiles in their Product Guide

Karin Jeske

We are thrilled that Tesselle's Parquet Cement Tiles have been recommended by Restaurant Development and Design Magazine in their annual Product Guide.  This is a fabulous publication and we are honored to be highlighted!

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Rendering of Geometricks in Custom Colors

Karin Jeske

Libby, one of our interior designer friends, sent us this rendering of our exclusive Geometricks Cement Tiles in a custom colorway, installed in her client's bathroom.

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A Random Holiday Wish From Tesselle

Karin Jeske Random Tile Patterns Random Tiling

Happy holidays from Tesselle!  We are thankful for our customers, associates, media contacts, and suppliers. To celebrate the season, our designer, Karin Jeske, created a holiday pattern using the same square tile module (see smaller image) rotated randomly across the surface to create a non-repeating pattern that spreads the message of peace, love and joy. Many of our exclusive cement tiles can create non-repeating designs across your floors or walls when they are installed randomly with respect to their orientation to one another.  Would you like to see some examples?  Take a look at this article.

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