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Sale of Raincross Cement Tiles Supports Foster Kids Charity in Riverside

Karin Jeske Beds and Blessings Charity Raincross Tile Riverside Bell Tile

Raincross Riverside Bell Cement Tiles

A $20 donation is made to Beds and Blessings with the purchase of each Raincross tile.  Pictured above, Raincross Adobe and Raincross Terrazzo decorative cement tiles.

$20 each (+tax)
$30 (+tax) with black wooden stand (see photo below)

Our Raincross tiles celebrate the iconic "Riverside Bell", which was originally created by Frank Miller, the founder of the Mission Inn Hotel in downtown Riverside, CA. Each tile is handmade by an artisan, and is 8"x8"x5/8". Two color combinations are offered:

Adobe offers a classic combination of rust and tan, and is inspired by the historic color palette of the hotel’s Spanish-influenced façade.

Terrazzo is a striking black and white tile featuring genuine terrazzo aggregates, and pays homage to the graphic marble floor design in the grand hotel lobby.

How are cement tiles made?  Tiles are made by a technique that was developed in France in the 1800s, where cement with natural pigments is poured into a mold, hydraulically pressed, and then air-cured.  Tesselle specializes in cement tiles in exclusive designs, which can be installed on floors or walls, indoors or outdoors.

Order online:

Contact us:  951-781-3000 or

Raincross Cement  tiles with optional black wooden stand Riverside Bell

Above:  Raincross Adobe and Terrazzo Cement Tiles with optional black wooden stand.

Sideview of raincross tiles

Above:  Cross-sectional view of the Raincross tiles shows the quality and 5/8" thickness.  The color is not a surface treatment, but an actual layer of colored cement that runs 1/4" deep throughout the tile.

Beds and Blessings is a charity that provides beds and linens for foster and needy children in the Riverside area.  Did you know that foster youth placement can be delayed because there is not a bed available?  The heroic volunteers and associates at Beds and Blessings work tirelessly, day and night, to make sure every foster home has the required bedding, and they stretch every dollar to make this happen.  Beds and Blessings accepts donations of beds (including bunk beds) and linens.  Contact Julia Gardner at Immanuel Lutheran Church, one of the program partners, at 951-682-7613 if you can assist with a donation.

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